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theatre works, david tredinnick and adam browne present

by david tredinnick and adam browne



by david tredinnick and adam browne

In the underdeck chilldrippery of a sunken galleon, in its deepest bowels, two ancient pirates dwell in suspended misery: Saucy Jack and Bagfoot, their lives sustained by the ecosystem that has overtaken the bilge around them.

Thanks to the bile-green phosphorescent bladderwrack that thrives on the flooded deck, their air refuses to run out – and thanks to the eyeless, dark-adapted ghastlies that swim among those weeds, their food refuses to run out also. So the men have lived for decades.

Their madness is monumental.

Each man’s is particular to himself. Saucy Jack’s is rooted in guilt. He’s in a constant battle with it, and his weapon is diversion. He’s a fabulist, a reliable narrator, in that he can always be relied on to lie. Even in his wretched state, he lights the dark with his fantastic tales – of a disease that produces diamonds from men’s sores – of a ship whose sailors are babies – and others.

But the question is, what is he trying to hide? Something not good, that's certain. Something that happened during the naval engagement that sank the ship -- the fateful attack from the monstrous Captain Manrose, with his pink-hulled abomination of a galleon and its awful signature perfume…

His companion, Bagfoot, is madder still.

Dressed in an amazement of rags, this elderly privateer differs from Jack in that he’s happy to be here… After all, what's the point in being miserable? Count your blessings, that's his motto! He has food, he has shelter, he has his cosy spot in the nest of ropes above the flooded deck. And he has companionship too; not only in Saucy Jack, but also in the form of a mysterious woman – unseen, her voice drifting in the darkness – the ship’s figurehead, sailing on the slow waves of his dreams…

By her, and by Saucy Jack’s ramblings, we learn about the ship herself. The Vivisectress. She is ancient, epic, huge, made heavier than her actual weight by the gravitas of age. Antiquity touches her timbers through and through. There are rumours that once, long ago, she was a flagship of old Carthage. Jack tells of wandering through her lower decks, encountering remnants of her previous incarnations: archaic fittings, enginery and furbishments buried behind her bulkheads like the vestigial foot-bones in the flukes of a whale…

These are the settings and the characters of Bladderwrack. The play is bleak, hilarious, outrageous. It asks its audience: in a prison of your own making, is survival still worth it? And what happens when the world refuses to let you die?


Explosives Factory, Rear Laneway 67 Inkerman Street, St Kilda


90 minutes


No coarse language, nudity or sex, but lots of adult concepts.


Explosives Factory is accessed via a flight of stairs and is not wheelchair accessible.


David Tredinnick (Actor, Director, Writer): Tredinnick has created a bizarrely Beckettian collage out of quotations and almost-quotations from public figures ranging from PT Barnum to Marx: statements about empire and revolution jostle with domestic intrigues, fancies, poems and obscene malapropism. The language of high oratory or Romantic poetry is continually exploded by the decay and weakness of the body… Each phrase is buffed to a dark lustre. Everyone speaks as if they all wrote out their thoughts in a goose-quill before uttering them.

Adam Browne (Award-winning Writer): Adam Browne's debut novel is a wonderful reading experience. It is filled with rich, luscious prose--words to be savored, not consumed… Browne is to be commended for his adept use of language and his creative, tight storytelling.

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Wednesday 5 November 7:30pm (Preview)
Thursday 6 November 7:30pm (Opening)
Friday 7 November 7:30pm
Saturday 8 November 7:30pm

Tuesday 11 November 7:30pm
Wednesday 12 November 7:30pm
Thursday 13 November 7:30pm
Friday 14 November 7:30pm
Saturday 15 November 7:30pm

Theatre Works has a lockout policy for latecomers.  Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to ensure you don't miss out.

Refunds will not be issued to latecomers.












*Seniors, Student, MEAA, Health Care and Low Income card holders

**Limited to 20 tickets per performance

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Shows in the WITH THEATRE WORKS stream align strongly our values and missions - these works we co-produce and co-present with independent artists and/or companies. Projects within this stream receive significant producing, marketing, PR and production support in addition to free use of the venue and a generous box office split.


David Tredinnick
Adam Browne

David Tredinnick

David Tredinnick

David Tredinnick has worked with many mainstream and fringe companies for forty years as an actor, writer, and director. He has performed in venues all over Australia as well as internationally (Porto Festival, Portugal, and International Beckett Festival, Enniskillen, Ireland). He has also worked extensively in radio, film and television, including an ongoing role as Simon in Channel 10’s The Secret Life of Us (recently  on Netflix). His written work includes The Song of the Bleeding Throat (Eleventh Hour Theatre), This Is How (Melbourne Theatre Company/Cybec commission), and House of King (funded by Malcolm Robertson Foundation and Arts Victoria). From 2012 to 2014, David directed and tutored performing arts students at Deakin University, working on both established scripts as well as devising productions with the students. David’s most recent stage performances include Jumpy for Melbourne Theatre Company/Sydney Theatre Company and a tour of his one-person show about Henry Lawson, The Man Who Was Drowned. A trained archivist and librarian, he is currently employed full time for Vision Australia as an audio producer of accessible information, freelances as an audiobook narrator/proofreader, and works on audio dubs for Netflix as a writer and voice artist. He also co-hosts a podcast on poetry and community.

Meet the Artist


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