Flick through these beautiful photos of Bearded. and peruse some quotes taken from reviews! Bearded. closes this week, don't miss out!
Some other highlights from reviews:
"Waxman’s thoughtful direction melds effortlessly with Aadhya Wijegoonawardena’s electric, oft-delightfully cheesy choreography that incorporates the total company of 21 well-rehearsed performers"
"With its electrifying performances, sharp wit, and deeply moving storytelling, this production doesn’t just entertain. It challenges, uplifts, and leaves a lasting impression."
"This new queer musical bursts out of the closet in a whirlwind of colour, song and dance. It’s such a bright and bustling affair, there’s a hint of Dorothy arriving in Munchkin Land about it"
- The Age
Bearded. is selling out fast - don't miss out! Get your tickets below: