In this week's Backstage Blog, we chat with writer and producer Clare Mendes about Melbourne Writers' Theatre's upcoming production, SKATING IN THE CLOUDS, opening at Theatre Works this Wednesday 4th December.
Q. What should audiences expect when they are coming to see Skating in the Clouds?
A: Imagine a fairytale, a fantasy stage. Think harp music, dreams, gilded ladders reaching to the clouds. Skating in the Clouds will be beautiful to look at, an escape from reality. It will be slow and sumptuous in places, fast and fun in others. Audiences can expect a can't-stop-watching love story, powerful performances from actors I am daunted by, dancing, dreaming, drama, humour, absurdism, and non-appearances by a superb fairy wren named Frida Kahlo.
Q. This show is so full of imagery, will the performers actually be in skates for this one? If yes, what has that process been like?
A: Three of the four actors will be pulling on skates for this show. Strangely the only actor who will not be skating at all is the one who said in her profile 'I have skating experience' - the rest have had to learn from scratch. We bought them the skates back in June and they have been practising since then. They don't skate in every scene (it can be tricky to dance and climb gilded ladders in skates) but when they do, they wizz by. It's joyful and quite inspiring to watch.
Q. What inspired you to write this work? What other works does it remind you of?
A: As a writer, I like to give audiences something to go away and ponder. A story that is big and distinctive, an immersive experience that leaves space for them to step in and out and wander off to their own favourite places. I think the audience should be included in the creative process. I also want to remind audiences for this show how smart, funny, sexy and politically savvy women in their fifties are. 50& of my all-female cast and crew of 14 are aged 50+ and We deserve a stage. Works similar to Skating in the Clouds? Wow, not sure ... if you enjoy absurdist, escapist plays with a lesbian love story you'll probably enjoy Skating. If you also like salsa and Latin music, you'll probably really enjoy it.
Q. If there was one song that represented this show what would it be?
A: Speaking of Latin music - do you know a song called Magalenha ? It lasts just 3 minutes and 37 seconds, but will sweep you away to a place you may never have visited. Like this show.
Q: What has been the most memorable moment in the creation / rehearsal process?
A: At the table read of the script, I looked around the table and saw a group of talented, intelligent, generous and collectively beautiful women looking back at me. Some of them had helped me to carry the table in. Director Em Farrell went around that table and asked everyone to share something they liked about Skating in the Clouds. 'It's nice to be working on an all-women show,' they said. Nice - we use that word a lot. We took a group photo and everyone was smiling.