Moth erupted the stage of Theatre Works with it's action-packed graphic-novel fiction fantasy.
The intenseness of the show left audience members wanting more. “An absorbing play that draws its audience in, and doesn't let go until the lights go down." - My Melbourne Arts.
The cast of Moth brought back the magic of theatre in a way that no other big theatre productions could. “The pairing of Noviello and Ansell brings to the stage an utterly flawless duo, who reveal in the world of the play, challenge each other and bring an electric intensity that an audience can not look away from.” Australian Arts Review
- "Moth is therefore a timely reminder of the power of kindness, the importance of friendship, and the loneliness of youth, serving as both a commiseration to current teens and a catharsis for those who once were.”- Farrago Magazine
-“Moth is a brilliant example of what is capable when the theatre stars align. Not only is it a must see but it is a brilliant must do bench mark for Theatre Works future endeavours.”- Australian Arts Review
- “Noviello’s performance is quicksilver astonishing.”- Stage Whispers
This 'do not miss’ play, closes on the 3RD of June.