Reviews are pouring in after the first full week of THREE SISTERS at Theatre Works! This universally lauded cast of incredible performers are bringing one of Chekhov's best works to life in an "ambitious", "entertaining" and "quality" production!

“This is a quality production, tightly directed by Greg Carroll, with much to commend it.”
“Each of the actors tackles their role well. It is a strong ensemble, with no weak link, as the action shifts between the characters that populate the piece. Their projection is admirable.”
“Belle is a standout as the self-serving, ultimately tyrannical Natasha.”
“Upon entering the theatre, the black set with tainted windows, long wooden dining table, scattered chairs, sofa and old-style chandeliers is eye-catching. In fact, it makes an immediate and favourable impression, setting the tone.”
The Blurb
“Theatre Works opened an ambitious, if deliberately conventional, Three Sisters last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Such a fine play, with terrific performances from the central trio and some lovely support work from the large cast. Smell of an oily rag stuff, and well worth the trip to St Kilda.”
Tim Byrne
“Thanks to the hard work of the cast (including ensuring their voices can be clearly heard), this production, reimagined for a contemporary audience by director Greg Carroll, provides an entertaining introduction to what is regarded as one of Chekhov’s best works.”
Travels With JB
“Hansen (whom we also know as a brilliant director) wrings every drop of comedy, fake sentiment, and bullying nastiness from the role. At times, she might almost be in another play, but she is so entertaining she gets away with it.”
“[Chekhov] wants us to take these characters seriously and to see through them, laugh at them – and perhaps squirm and wince in recognition. This production does that very well.”
Stage Whispers
“There’s are many beautiful touches in this production of Three Sisters.”
“Stella Carroll played youngest sister, Irina, with lovely spark and youthful naiveté, making the various turns of fate, Irina’s light dimming with every pleasantry pragmatism, all the more captivating. Joanna Halliday was brilliant in her performance as middle sister, Marsha, her passion, playfulness, and eventual despair being wonderfully portrayed throughout.”
“Mia Landgren was superb in her role of Olga, the eldest sister.”
“There wasn’t a weak performance to be found among the supporting cast, such as Belle Hansen who gave her turn as Natasha a class-resenting brutality you couldn’t look away from. Chris Connelly’s played Chebutykin, the doctor, excellently – his character’s sanity crumbling in the face of repeated and unnecessary pain.”
“Simon Chandler infused the character of Kulygin (Marsha’s husband) with the perfect, infuriating (until when it’s needed most) amount of cheerfulness. River Steven’s had a great performance as army captain, Solyony with all the bitter cynicism, misogyny, and toxic hatred of a red-pill forum member. Another standout was Syd Brisbane who played Ferapoint in hilarious and entertaining fashion.”
Australian Arts Review
“There is so much to love about this production of Three Sisters.”
“The set design for Three Sisters is amazing, with the space for the home used efficiently and effectively. With dark woods and cosy blankets, I for a moment forgot the sweltering Melbourne heat and believed I was transported to somewhere that protected me from the outside chills.”
Theatre Travels
“Designer Amelia Carroll and seamstress Margaret Goy have done astronomical work in dressing the dozen actors in multiple outfits with thrift and efficiency.”
Theatre Haus